Entering the World of 3D

Another block, another Metal Gear.

Notorious as the Hardest Block Of The Year™, this Block we got to make the exact same game as last block, except not quite.

There would be 2 major differences: we would be developing the game in 3D, using the OpenGL library, and we would be developing cross-platform, both for Windows, and, more importantly (the version that we get graded on), for Raspberry Pi.

Fortunately, we were provided with a template to start with that already included the cross-platform code for Visual Studio. Unfortunately, this template was messy and confusing and I spent quite some time fixing it. The first week, I didn't even touch a line of code, but worked on getting the template to run both on Windows and on my very own Raspberry Pi 5 (as well as worked on some documentation).

In the end, I did make it work on both platforms. I decided to stay as close to my Block A game as possible, so the result is just the exact same level and tilemap, with 3D models instead of sprites. Debugging was quite a bit easier this block, as we got familiar with ImGUI. We actually made use of a variety of external libararies (see the game page for details).

All in all, it was a fun—though occasionally confusing and stressful—project to develop, and it certainly helped me gain experience as a game programmer.

In the future, I might want to update and polish the game some more: add better lighting, 3D animation, sound & music, and improve the enemy chasing. I would also like the game to run in Release mode (currently there is only a debug configuration). It's fun and all, being able to switch camera modes, and see the debug view and menu, but that's not the ideal player experience.


Windows 7.4 MB
27 days ago
Raspberry Pi 5.3 MB
27 days ago

Get Metal Gear 3D Ultra Deluxe (School Project)

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